It is of its own initiative that Hans Mayer took again contact with our services, June first 2000, day of opening of the World Exposition of Hanover. It seems that the first visit of Hans Mayer on the site of the exposure was not what he expected and he very clearly expressed his disappointment in his mail.

The third mail from Hans Mayer

      Although the reversal of my judgement can appear surprising, it then appeared to me to detect in the letter of Mr Mayer some notes of sincerity when this one said to be disappointed not to have found indices relating to a Passage. Although this last mail did not bring anything new to the folder, it seemed anyway useful to me to answer to Mr Mayer to let him know that I remained at his disposal in the event of new element likely to make progress the file.

The response to the third mail from Hans Mayer

      This is only the 7th of July 2000, more than one month later that a new mail arrived.

The fourth mail from Hans Mayer

      Hans Mayer seemed to have found all his enthusiasm. This one was due to the discovery that he had made on the site of the Exposure of several signs which could be put in relation to the probable existence of a Passage. These signs were three. The first, some giant books were in the house of France. The second, a panorama was in that of Belgium and finally the third, a kind of sphere armillaire out of wood in the one of Latvia. We must admit that the new discoveries of Mr Mayer appeared extremely tempting. The links which could have these signs with the world of the Obscure Cities were indeed not very debatable and the fact that they did not have any direct relations with the "Planet of Visions" seemed on the contrary to indicate that there was undoubtedly one.

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