From: Pierre Sannon <[email protected]>
To: Hans Mayer <[email protected]>
Object: Re: New elements
Date : Sunday 9th of july 2000 10:32


Dear mister Mayer,

The elements that you mention in your last mail are indeed very interessant. The relations between in one hand the house of the Utopias and on the other hand the French and Belgian houses are indeed undeniable. The timber structure of the house of Latvia appears to me a little bit debatable regarding sign of a Passage towards the Obscure Cities. Even if as you suggest it, the resemblance to a sphere armillaire and even to certain symbols coming from the obscure cities is absolutely remarkable.

I benefit from this response to your mail to announce you that I will go at the beginning of August to the Exposition of Hanover to study there the possibility of a Passage place. I would be enchanted to meet you there so that you could guide and thus allow me to discover these signs more easily that you discovered. So perhaps who knows by then you will not have made some new discoveries.

In any case do not hesitate to contact me if you have new elements and to let me know if we will be able to meet together at the beginning of August.

Best regards

Pierre Sannon.

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