It is exactly at the time when it connected the last cable that Hermann heard a kind of deaf noise which came from the interior of the building. He immediately thought that in spite of the security instructions, The stream had been put on wire that he was occupied connecting and to avoid any electrocution, he tried to rise on the roof that was only at a few centimetres of him. It is at the time when his head exceeded the edge top of the node of the building that he then "believed" to see a strange flying machine that was coming towards him. According to Hermann, it was as if the machine came from the interior of the building and came out of the roof. Under the blow of panic, it would have lost balance and would have fallen.

I asked to him whether, at this time, he had noted some other strange thing but he answered me that then there was nothing special to occur. He was charged to finish connections of the giant screen and inside, all the computers were ready. The first tests had started and undoubtedly somebody had decided to connect stream earlier than envisaged to carry out these tests, which had caused the deaf noise.

My discussion with Hermann W. does not have to last a very long time and these are the most useful information that he gave me. And indeed, this simple testimony indicates immediately where is the Passage place. But the various signs about which I spoke to you in my previous mail also indicate it. As I supposed it, it is enough to reason a very little bit and to wonder why these so representative signs are placed at these places and one discovers the key of the enigma.

It is of course necessary to have a map of the Exposition. I provided to you a copy with this mail. As you will be able to see it on this card, the three Obscures signs about which I had spoken to you are all situated close from one to the other and all of them are in the east part.

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