I must however acknowledge you that this opening occurred extremely quickly and I could only foresee the obscure world. I did not even have time to take a photograph and a too prolonged hesitation of my share did not leave me time to carry out the Passage. I have then to hasten to leave the places because some guards who were making their round passed at this time there.

I in any case ask you to believe me. I saw the Obscur world with my own eyes. I will await you Wednesday August 2 in the morning at the northern entry of the Exposition. During the day, I will make you visit the various signs relating to the Obscure Cities. Could you try to be able to remain the night on the spot because it is impossible to enter dayly in the "T-digit"? I will then show you the Passage and you will be well obliged to believe me.

Best regards

Hans Mayer

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