The thing is rather known: the Law courts of Bruxelles and the Palate of the Three Powers of Brüsel are rather identical, even if these two buildings have very different function. A door at least connects them one to the other, allowing a Passage in the two directions.

   Perhaps if mysterious that it can appear, the thing is explained by the exceptional character of this disproportionate building, "the vastest accumulation of stones of size which exists in Europe", and by the personality of its architect, Joseph Poelart.


   One knows that Poelart was freemason and that he profited throughout the construction from extremely high supports, in spite of his odd nature and of the multiplication by five of an already colossal budget. But according to the English historian James Wells, freemasonry constituted only one simple cover. Poelart would have especially been one of the founder members of the "sect B", a secret society of Bruxelles seeking by all the means to join the parallel city of Brüsel. It is with this occult goal that construction would have mainly served as the Palate.

   The key of the Passage of the Palate could be in the report of the investigation made by James Wells in his book, Shadows in the nigth, a secret society in Belgium. A thing seems clear: we are us even the evidence of the existence of one Passage inside the Law courts. Alas, this access - that we borrowed by chance, one Sunday of 1980, and which allowed us to slip into the world of the Obscure Cities, then to return from there - appears irremediably lost today. The recent transformations of the basements of the Palate are perhaps the cause of this lost.

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