
Obscure Passages



The Andrassy mausoleum

The Andrassy mausoleum

Localization: Roznava - Slovakia.

Destination: Urbicande.

Discovered by: Alexandre Ziegler.

Ferryman: No.

Status: Possible opening.

Means: Passage.


    The Andrassy mausoleum is situated in a small historic town in the Slovakian Carpate called Roznava.

   There should have been only one Passage case but there are very less precisions about it, which let some doubts about his veracity.

   The Andrassy mausoleum has however some convincing sign like the surprizing statues that guard the entry which strongly seem to be inspired from the Urbicande architecture. The most significant detail would be a marble marquetry representing the Andrassy princess. Following some researchers who are gone on the site, there is no doubt that the princess face is the same as the Sophie Tempel's face, the Eugen Robick's friend. The searchs are still ongoing to establish if it is a coincidence!