
Obscure Passages



The pavilion of Luxembourg

The pavilion of Luxembourg

Localization: S�villa - Spain.

Armilia or the universal exchanger.

Discovered by: Unknown.

Ferryman: No.

Status: destructed.

Means: Passage.


   As that had occurred several years before with that of Montreal, an universal exposition was the theatre of strange demonstrations which did not fail to arouse the interest of numbers of obscurologists and researchers of Obscure Passages. The house of Luxembourg to the international exhibition of Seville in 1992 was indeed suddenly equipped with a armillaire sphere of six meters in diameter, crimped by luminous ways which all converged in a point of the sphere.

   The opinions were shared on the probable destination of a hypothetical Passage place dissimulated in the house or perhaps in the sphere itself. Certain specialists affirmed that such a resemblance to the city of Armilia could not be a simple coincidence and that consequently, the destination could only be this Obscure City. Others, perhaps more attentive, pointed out that the node of communication represented on the sphere inevitably made think of the universal exchanger. The fact that it appeared that this node was represented above the Luxembourg made affirm some that there was no passage within the house, but although what the witnesses had under the eyes was nothing more than one card indicating that entire Luxembourg was a passage towards the obscure cities. Some daring and intelligent travellers would have thus had the indices to borrow the Luxembourg road network and to find themselves on the obscure universal exchanger, to their risks and dangers!

   The house of Luxembourg seems however not to have delivered all its secrecies and seems now definitively closed.